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Your breath is   shallow.

‘I   have loved you almost

two   thousand years.’

Your   skull, drawn

to   my chest close,

fragile   like pumice.

I   would shield you

if   I could.

Your   veins

a   palimpsest.

You   whisper

of   charlatans.

Great machines

drive   roads. Crops

are   rubble.

Magic   men,

open   their capes,


the   globe. Webs

of   illusion are real.

Dragons   like humans

breathe   fire

leaving   bleached

deads.   Clouds

blast   bone.

Earth   erupts.

Blood   balled

feasts   are held

on   hollow graves.

Youth’s   mystery

and   mastery lost.

Our   ghosts tread sea foam.

Tell   me of the mantichora.

‘It   is of excessive swiftness

and   is particularly fond

of   human flesh.’

Fish   are gasping

on   the snowy sand

at   Stabiae.

We   are ash.

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